Shimon Okshteyn: Sunshine


Sunshine, 2014
Oil on canvas 22 x 22 in | 55 x 55 cm
Mounted on screen printed Dibond panel 57 × 36 in | 144.8 × 91.4 cm

© Shimon Okshteyn Estate
Licensing requests for the work of Shimon Okshteyn are managed by Artists Rights Society

“Using different techniques allows Shimon Okshteyn to generate rich and complex surfaces, where collage has a lion’s share. A work is often designed as a huge pattern where each item is adjusted against another to build an image. Neighborly relationships participate in a new visual unity and semantic meaning of the work.”  __Jean-Pierre Garand , Art Historian

Courtesy Black & White Gallery/Project Space
For more information contact the gallery