Sofia Atlantova | Flight to Egypt -SOLD


Flight to Egypt, 2022
Tempera and gold leaf on wood from AKM cartridge box
40 x 35cm | 16 x 14 in

© Sofia Atlantova

Out of stock

The flight to Egypt is one of the most popular iconographic subjects both in the east and in the west of Europe, and is dedicated to the well-known event when, fleeing the persecution of King Herod, Mary, Joseph and the Infant Christ fled to Egypt. We observed a similar flight at the end of this winter and the beginning of spring, when millions of Ukrainians, fleeing from Russian aggression, from the troops of the new Herod ruling in Moscow, fearing for their lives and the lives of their children, taking only the most necessary, went to the West. Huge traffic jams, crowds at stations, overcrowded train cars and buses, despair, panic and fear…. The work is dedicated to Ukrainian refugees, primarily mothers and their children.

Icons on Ammunition Boxes ™

From 2015, Ukrainian artists Sofia Atlantova and Olexander Klimenko have been using wooden fragments from ammunition boxes abandoned by Russian soldiers on the battle fields in Ukraine to paint icons and donating all sale proceeds to mobile hospitals that provide urgent medical care to wounded Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. Since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine in late February, 2022, their work remains more relevant than ever.